Wednesday, 30 September 2015

SKIN CARE: looking attractive in and out of twilight

Having an attractive looking skin is one great way of commanding effect as you walk out the door in a held out hand for lunch. Skin is the greatest organ which role in protecting human against infection and other harsh element is critical. When the body is having difficulty eliminating certain substance, it uses the skin as a type of warehouse to store water, drugs, metabolic bacterial toxins, salt, uric acid and other waste matters, thus neutralizing and eliminating them. The smell that a lot of people have is great testimony to this, and it is an indication that the body is in difficulty and needs immediate treatment, if it is to avoid disease, above all skin problems, which are not only extremely troublesome but also very unsightful. An adult skin is on average 1.5mm thick, with a minimum of 0.05mm on the eyelids and a maximum of up to 6mm on the heel. The skin is formed by two different layers which are; DERMIS- deeper layer and which provides the skin with elasticity and resistance.
This layer covers blood vessel found in the skin, which gives it a pinkish color. There exist a layer of fat at the base of the dermis and numerous nerve endings, which make the skin one of the most sensitive organs in the body. EPIDERMIS- found on the surface and which contains constantly growing cells that harden to form the corneal layer, which is continually being renewed. However, the functioning of these layers can be hampered by various activities in which the skin is exposed to and also the denial of certain elements sufficient for its health. As we all know that a healthy skin is a person’s pride, a damage skin can be very unsightful. Therefore developing and keeping a healthy skin is condition for looking attractive to the opposite sex. For a good looking skin is more appealing that a rough, hard and fungal infected one. There are several ways one can achieve this; 1. Take a bath/shower at least twice a day to remove germs, body secretions, and dirt as this help the skin carry out it functions properly. 2. Wash your hands with soap and water as often as necessary. 3. Wash all the skin folds of your body and the soles of your feet every day to avoid any disagreeable smell. 4. Endeavor to change your underwear every day. 5. At least once a week use hard sponge, a friction mitt or some other similar device to exfoliate the dead skin cells and correctly activate circulation in the skin. 6. Use oily soap to avoid irritating or eroding the skin if you have dry or sensitive skin. 7. Use moisturizing cream or milk. 8. Keep away from the effect of cold, humidity, and dryness by applying cream. 9. Do not smoke and avoid drinking alcohol, coffee and other toxic substances that have negative effect on circulation through the skin. 10. Eat fruit, fleshly root vegetables such as carrots and beetroot, and vegetable milk. These has been demonstrated to have the potency of regulating the altered vital functions, such as hair growth after prolonged, progressive alopecia, darken the air of people going grey, improve sexual potency and regulate certain menstrual disorders. SKIN CARE PRODUCT Skin care product is vital in that it improves the skin with layer of oils, silicon, waxes or petroleum gel which helps prevent loss of moisture already present in your skin. Undoubtedly a lot of people have occupational or medical conditions that made their skin to be depleted of moisture so that popular moisturizers which can retain existing moisture are not sufficient. If you are suffering from certain medical conditions or work in dirty, extremely dry or wet environments. You probably are already familiar with the problem of extremely dry skin. To restore your skin to a healthy state, you must actively replenish the moisture down to the deeper layers, not just cover the skin. However, they are lot of good skin care products on the Clickbank platform which I can recommend to you and which are compatible with all skin types. It is called SUPER SEXY SKIN:press the rewind button on aging. It is a very good skin care product and also help in weight loss and control.With this I can beat my chest that I have contrbuted to a lot of people's beauty before they credit it to their spouses. The reason this skin care product is found to be compatible is that the same product have been recommended to hundreds of my subscribers from and I have received lot of testimonials to that effect for they contain camoline, azulene, bisabolol, etc which help keep the skin layers in other as they moisturize your skin to perfect lime. You can get the product here Click Here!"> there are best for a perfect skin. Dry skin conditions are often associated with microangiopathy (when the blood vessels can’t get adequate supply of nutrients to the skin cells). This impairs skin hydration and prolongs the healing process. Moisturized, intact skin is your body’s best defense against bacteria and viruses because it s a naturally occlusive barrier that keeps moisture in and infections agents out

Monday, 21 September 2015


Sinus is a condition which causes the blockage of facial and skull area. Usually, it is cause by common cold or some kind of allergy. Sinus is a serious infection which has symptoms similar to that of cold and viral influenza. As a result, this makes the infection to be deceptive, and can potentially be unnoticeable until it becomes chronic. Thousands of sufferers of this infection are completely clueless about their condition. However, a lot of sufferers have grown up with thus infection from birth time whereas others develop it at a later time of life. SYMPTOMS 1. Sinus infection starts with a simple cold and can get extremely severe upon non-treatment. 2. Sore throat, frequent headache, constant pressure on the facial areas like eyes, nose and cheeks. 3. Painful and uncomfortable experience. One should be careful in recognizing the symptoms of this infection In order to take required medication on time and to avoid the effect of this infection on their mental and physical bearing. For instance, if you have common cold for more than a month, then most likely you might be at risk of this infection. MEDICATIONS There are several conventional medications used for curing this infection. These include; 1. Decongestants and 2. Antibiotics These are taken upon a doctor’s prescription. OTHER PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES 1. Avoid traveling by flight in order to prevent further complications with this infection. 2. Avoid swimming pool as the chlorine present in the water can be detrimental to your health. However, aerosolized medications have been introduced in the market for curing sinus infection. These medications have become quite popular in a very short period of time due to their sinus healing qualities. Apart from the conventional medications, there are several home remedies that one can follow to get relief from the infections. The important thing is to get started, or else one may have resorted to surgery as the last remedial option to get relief from this infection. It is always advisable to use natural remedies for curing this infection in order to experience better and faster result.

Friday, 18 September 2015


Diabetes is a medical condition that is caused by lack of INSULIN, which makes the patient to produce a lot of URINE and as such become very thirsty. Diabetes is characterized by the excessive secretion of sugary urine. According to research, this disease is thought to affect between 2% to 4% of the population all over the world. CAUSES When there is insufficiency of insulin- the hormone which helps glucose to penetrate the cell, it result in cell starvation that, though the human body is surrounded by sugar, they are yet incapable to metabolize it. However, when you are faced with excessive amount of glucose in the blood (that is more than 12mg per 100ml), the kidney releases it into the urine thus the amount of urinary excretion increases. In order to compensate for the loss of water in the system, the affected person will then feel thirsty which raises the hunger for water. DIETARY GUIDELINES Diet is of critical importance in a diabetic, and prognosis will to a larger extent depend on the ability to follow the guidelines. These guidelines are useful for both type 1 and type 11 diabetes. TYPE 1 DIABETES 1. When planning your diet, take into consideration the amount of exercise you are doing. 2. Reduce the amount of time taken between meals. 3. Eat regular meals. 4. Avoid sugar and simple carbohydrates. 5. Control the amount of calories and protein required for growth. 6. In case of illness, adapt the diet as necessary. 7. Eat food that is rich in vegetable fiber such as wholegrain cereals TYPE 11 DIABETES 1. In case of obesity, lose weight and stay within the recommended range for your sex and height. 2. Eat nutritional and balanced diet. 3. Control the amount of sugar and simple carbohydrates in your diet. 4. Eat fiber rich food to better reduce the dose of insulin.

Thursday, 17 September 2015


Frigidity is understood to be a lack of ability to enjoy sex. Every human being has a profound need and desire for love, respect and affection. Nobody is an island and, the feeling of being loved and acknowledged warms and enriches oneself, provides one with self-confidence and is a reflection of total joy. But the inability of a person to enjoy sexual intercourse could result in health crisis. The important of sex is attributable to a reduction in the rate and level of brain and heart related problems. What is more, love and affection dominate the basic need for sexual love. The affection between couples is closely related to sexual desire. When a couple’s sex life is not working, both partners feel restless, disheartened and dissatisfied. This situation can even make a woman sexually unresponsive, and a man impotent, which, in both cases, means the inability to reach orgasm. However, an insufficient response to sexual stimuli is not necessarily an indication of lack of interest in sex, rather a sign of a problem that can overcome that desire for sex. It is therefore, essential to find a solution to this problem by recognizing it, seeking help and willingly and consistently follow appropriate treatment. CAUSES OF FRIGIDITY Frigidity can be cause by the following;  Serious organic disease.  A traumatic initial sexual experience, such as incest, rape or more ignorance.  Psychological causes such as low self-esteem, repression that is imposed for moral or religious reason.  Wrong education about sexuality.  A man’s performance is often time the cause, as he is not familiar with women’s nature and has little understanding of lovemaking techniques. PHYSICAL TREATMENT  Follow a new way of life where you are in contact with nature such as sea, mountains, etc and the stimulant it has to offer such fresh air, sunlight, etc. as much as possible  Follow health problem as closely as possible PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT In this case you will need to see an experience marriage counselor who can teach both partners appropriate sexual techniques to ensure loving, pleasurable relations Also with the help of a therapist, try to discover the emotional conflicts of mental trauma behind the frigidity, so that you can find the best solution MEDICAL TREATMENT If the frigidity is cause by a disease affecting the organs, it is therefore important to treat it.  USE VITAMIN E which can be found in cereal germ, especially wheatgerm, and in egg yolk, has an invigorating and stimulating effect on the sexual function.  Do not trust products that are advertised to have a supposed stimulating effect.  Do not take laboratory preparation except it is prescribed and dosed by a physician  Eat a balanced diet which provide effective natural stimulant If this article has been of help to you, I want you to leave your comment in the comment box so it can help Women and Health to improve upon it post.

Friday, 11 September 2015


In the United States, 1 in 4 women dies from heart disease. In fact, coronary heart disease (CHD)—the most common type of heart disease—is the #1 killer of both men and women in the United States. Other types of heart disease, such as coronary microvascular disease (MVD) and broken heart syndrome, also pose a risk for women. These disorders, which mainly affect women, are not as well understood as CHD. However, research is ongoing to learn more about coronary MVD and broken heart syndrome. This article focuses on CHD and its complications. However, it also includes general information about coronary MVD and broken heart syndrome. Coronary Heart Disease CHD is a disease in which plaque (plak) builds up on the inner walls of your coronary arteries. These arteries carry oxygen-rich blood to your heart. When plaque builds up in the arteries, the condition is called atherosclerosis (ath-er-o-skler-O-sis). Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances found in the blood. Over time, plaque can harden or rupture (break open). Hardened plaque narrows the coronary arteries and reduces the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the heart. This can cause chest pain or discomfort called angina (an-JI-nuh or AN-juh-nuh). If the plaque ruptures, a blood clot can form on its surface. A large blood clot can mostly or completely block blood flow through a coronary artery. This is the most common cause of a heart attack. Over time, ruptured plaque also hardens and narrows the coronary arteries. Heart With Muscle Damage and a Blocked Artery Plaque also can develop within the walls of the coronary arteries. Tests that show the insides of the coronary arteries may look normal in people who have this pattern of plaque. Studies are under way to see whether this type of plaque buildup occurs more often in women than in men and why. In addition to angina and heart attack, CHD can cause other serious heart problems. The disease may lead to heart failure, irregular heartbeats called arrhythmia, and sudden cardiac arrest. Coronary Micro-vascular Disease Coronary MVD is heart disease that affects the heart's tiny arteries. This disease is also called cardiac syndrome X or nonobstructive CHD. In coronary MVD, the walls of the heart's tiny arteries are damaged or diseased. Coronary Microvascular Disease Figure A shows the small coronary artery network (microvasculature), containing a normal artery and an artery with coronary MVD. Figure A shows the small coronary artery network (microvasculature), containing a normal artery and an artery with coronary MVD. Figure B shows a large coronary artery with plaque buildup. Women are more likely than men to have coronary MVD. Many researchers think that a drop in estrogen levels during menopause combined with other heart disease risk factors causes coronary MVD. Although death rates from heart disease have dropped in the last 30 years, they haven't dropped as much in women as in men. This may be the result of coronary MVD. Standard tests for CHD are not designed to detect coronary MVD. Thus, test results for women who have coronary MVD may show that they are at low risk for heart disease. Research is ongoing to learn more about coronary MVD and its causes. Broken Heart Syndrome Women are also more likely than men to have a condition called broken heart syndrome. In this recently recognized heart problem, extreme emotional stress can lead to severe (but often short-term) heart muscle failure. Broken heart syndrome is also called stress-induced cardiomyopathy (KAR-de-o-mi-OP-ah-thee) or takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Doctors may misdiagnose broken heart syndrome as a heart attack because it has similar symptoms and test results. However, there's no evidence of blocked heart arteries in broken heart syndrome, and most people have a full and quick recovery. Researchers are just starting to explore what causes this disorder and how to diagnose and treat it. Often, patients who have broken heart syndrome have previously been healthy. Outlook Women tend to have CHD about 10 years later than men. However, CHD remains the #1 killer of women in the United States. The good news is that you can control many CHD risk factors. CHD risk factors are conditions or habits that raise your risk for CHD and heart attack. These risk factors also can increase the chance that existing CHD will worsen. Lifestyle changes, medicines, and medical or surgical procedures can help women lower their risk for CHD. Thus, early and ongoing CHD prevention is important.

Thursday, 3 September 2015


Narcotics are medications that are primarily used as pain killer in clinical settings. Some kinds of narcotics, as well as diacetylmorphine, also are used illicitly to provide intense feelings of high spirits. Besides the immediate therapeutic effects of narcotics, the medication turns out many probably negative short- and semi-permanent effects. Users could experience drowsiness, nausea, and disgorgement shortly when taking this drug. Most narcotics are thought of extremely addictive, and their abuse tends to provide a permanent dependence and severe withdrawal symptoms. Healthcare professionals ordinarily visit narcotics like pain pill, codeine, and oxycodone to assist patients take care of chronic pain. They’ll be administered intravenously or through oral capsules, and act nearly instantly to alleviate pain and discomfort. People under the influence of narcotic sometimes experience a major rise in their ability to feel bodily pain. The immediate effects additionally embrace pleasant, elated feelings; a feeling of hysteria and worries; and somnolence. SYMPTOMS Medical patients and narcotic users ordinarily experience variety of symptoms because the immediate effects of narcotics wear off. 1. It’s common for an individual to feel sleepy-eyed and apathetic for many hours when using the drug. 2. The pupils constrict, the face turns red as blood vessels dilate, and respiratory becomes shallow. 3. Additionally, someone will experience confusion and a persistent itch everywhere in his or her body. EFFECTS OF NARCOTIC USAGE 1. Feeling of Euphoria: Narcotics produce a spread of physical manifestations that surpasses mere fascination for narcotic abusers. Narcotics produce exaggerated sense of well-being or elation, reduced anxiety, pain relief and sedation. Over time, tolerance to such euphoria effects tends to develops. 2. Result in illness and death: Unless taken overdose, use of medically prescribed narcotics seldom directly ends up in death. There’s rising risk of malady, infection, however, with illicit drug use typically given to the life-style of narcotic abusers. For example, injection of narcotics while not sterile instrumentation will increase the danger of skin infection, heart inflammation, hepatitis, and AIDS. What is more, in step with the U.S. Drug social control Administration, narcotics oversubscribed on the road might contain extra compounds, creating their effects unpredictable and doubtless deadly. 3. Physical dependence and pregnancy complication: Narcotics don't cause birth defects; but, regular use of narcotics throughout maternity causes physical dependence in the newborn kid. What is more, use of narcotics throughout labor and delivery will cause a decrease in female internal reproductive organ contractions and metabolism depression in the newborn. Metabolism depression in a very newborn could be a doubtless fatal condition.