Thursday, 2 October 2014

MENOPAUSE: what to do to get on better

Menopause or natural cessation of menstrual cycle usually occurs around the age of 45 or later. Menopause however, is not a disease although usually accompanied by certain disorders. Menopause that is experience early in life may be brought on by environmental factors and diseases such as tuberculosis, ovaritis and some types of tumor. Menopauses occur whenever the ovaries involutes and hormonal secretion is reduced. However, the severity of the complaint accompanying menopause is in direct proportion with the age of the woman, and the earlier she undergoes the menopause the greater this becomes. These complaints are generally hot flashes, episodes of excessive sweating and sensations of burning or itching. This is followed be general disorders such as fatigue, anxiety, pain in the joint, insomnia, nervousness, heaviness, vertigo, palpitations, sensorial disorder, etc. often the affected woman will gain weight, suffer from swollen feet in the late afternoon and also have irregular blood pressure. The basic cause of this disorder is the aging of the ovaries. Premature appearance of ovarian insufficiency provokes series of phenomena which affect the blood vessels, bones, tendons, joints and the other hormonal glands. DIETARY TREATMENT In treating case of menopause through diet informs having diet that have a stimulating effect to avoid periods of constipation. These diets includes 1. Fermented dairy products 2. Raw vegetables 3. Wholegrain bread 4. Enough of fruits 5. Linseed, cereal oats However, pulses such as soy and all soy products are highly recommended as they have high content of isoflavones, substance which act in a similar way to estrogen, which alleviate the problem associated with menopause and accelerate hormonal balance as well as protecting against osteoporosis. OTHER TREATMENT includes 1. Walking though water 2. Swimming 3. Sauna 4. Simple enemas and arm bath at progressively hot temperatures. 5. Visit your physician for medicare

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