Wednesday, 27 August 2014

PNEUMONIA, the rising lungs disease and what to do

Pneumonia is a disease of the lungs in which the delicate lung tissue becomes acutely infected. Thus, this is a serious inflammation that generally affects one or more lobes or areas of the lungs. The pulmonary alveoli,the tiny air sacs that forms the lung tissue, fill with inflammatory liquids and pus. This pose difficulty for oxygen to pass into blood, and thus, pneumonia is generally considered to be very serious. Several kinds of germs and viruses may result in such an infection. When the infection involves principally one lobe of the lung, the disease is term Lobar Pneumonia. But when it is scattered throughout the lung and involves the delicate tissue closely related to the bronchi, it is called Broncho pneumonia. Pneumonia is a very serious infection because 1. A person's very life depends on the continuous functioning of the lungs 2. The toxemia is usually relatively great In the diseases of the digestive organs a person may go without food for a while, thus giving the affected organs a rest from their usual functions during the process of healing. But the lungs must function continuously, day and night, whether they are involved with disease or not, in order that oxygen and carbon dioxide might be exchange to satisfy the need of the body cells. CAUSES Common symptoms includes: 1. Cold sores 2. Stabbing pains in the side, shivering and headache 3. Coughing up dark sputum 4. Bluish skin and mucous membrane cause by respiratory overload DIETARY TREATMENT 1. Try linseed, wheat grain, macerated prunes and figs in order to speed up intestinal transit 2. Use light diet that include much of liquids and rich in vitamin, contains oats, fruits and natural fruit juice PHYSICAL TREATMENT 1. Apply gentle massage on the extremities to avoid thrombophlebitis 2. Apply washes to the chest or complete washes, adding vinegar to the water 3. Use balsamic essences vapor 4. Apply enemas with the use of German Camoline in order to counter constipation

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