Friday, 15 August 2014

SIMPLE WEIGHT CONTROL METHOD: simpler than to stop smoking

For you to stay at your ideal weight, i will like you to follow carefully this simple instructions. However, this is not procedure which the benefit you can expect in two or three days nor is it a thing never to be achieved. Weight control is the health stature which everyone works daily to achieve due mainly to the many health risks involved. This method is notably the best for those whose attempt to use medicine has not yielded positively. this are what you can do in your time to achieve good health stature. t MEASURES 1. Limit your consumption of meat to at least two portions a week or better still, none at all 2. Balance your meals: try having a big breakfast and midday meal but a light supper in the early evening. do not eat in excess. 3. Avoid snacking between meals 4. Ensure you go after things which can boost your metabolism naturally. this can be achieved through exercise like swim, sports, walk and gym, rest, drinking good ounce of water, fresh air. 5. Avoid stress while ensuring you have enough sleep 6. Avoid consuming refined food 7. Leave a gap of six hours or more between each meal 8. Try to drink water between meals (i.e. hours after a meal and hours before a meal) 9. Avoid animal fats, while you use little salt and fat as possible 10. Try to cultivate a positive mental attitude that helps you calm your spirit and promote a sense of inner peace while having a useful life. As the steps are simple to follow each day of the way, the benefits are enormous. it is easier for you to exercise control over your weight.

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